An Overview of THK Roadmap Working Group Outputs

A short summary of the case studies and recommendations produced by all five working groups.

Practice: Translate a common narrative into good practices

Governance of Blended Finance Report

A report highlighting best practices for blended finance governance by donor agencies and development financiers at institutional and project levels.

What is Blended Finance

Stock taking of the state and role of blended finance, an inventory of blended finance instruments & risk mitigation approaches.

Library of Key Blended Finance Publications



Mobilisation: Accelerate mobilisation of private commercial finance by optimising incentives, financial instruments and standardisation efforts.

THK Mobilisation Working Group Summary
The paper establishes key components and recommendations for blended finance to be more successful in mobilising private commercial finance towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries and directs the reader to the best global resources developed collectively as well as by individual working group member organisations.

Transparency: Build on efforts to facilitate transparency in the use of blended finance, in particular blended concessional finance.

Promoting Transparency in Blended Finance Report

A report summarising the findings of a scoping survey, exploring current reporting practices and areas for improvement, and a compendium of transparency resources and case studies that highlight transparency in blended finance. The report provides a useful reference for all blended finance stakeholders to build a common understanding of where we are and what needs to be done to further improve blended finance.


Inclusive Markets: Address specificities in the local and international investment climate.

Building Inclusive Markets Report

A report summarising best practices and case studies related to the enabling environment in developing countries; local capital markets; a mapping of inclusive market deliverables; and development of early-stage pipeline. Leveraging the aggregated intelligence of working group member organisations, it outlines how blended finance can be used as a tool to accelerate inclusive sustainable market development, including the local financial market.


Impact: Promote measurement and monitoring of the impact of blended investments towards the SDGs.

A Checklist for Assessing the Impact of Blended Finance on the Poor

A comprehensive checklist to assess the impact of blended finance on the poor (ex-ante and ex-post) and potential risks of blended finance investments on the poor, aligned with metrics from the IRIS+ database of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN).

2020 | Metrics crosswalk detailing the interoperability of the THK Impact Working Group Indicators with IRIS+ metrics

A comprehensive checklist to assess the impact of blended finance on the poor (ex-ante and ex-post) and potential risks of blended finance investments on the poor, aligned with metrics from the IRIS+ database of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN).


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